Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Medical Update

Just wanted to give a quick recap of Hannah's lastest health issues. We just had a ear checkup and the hole they patched in December has NOT completely healed as it should have. The good news is her hearing is still testing good, so they are going to just have us comtinue using ear plugs and will retest in 4 months and then make a decision.

Yesterday (May 19th) she had a procedure at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital where they scoped her belly (they have a much fancier name for it), she has been having GI issues for about 13 months. She did absoluetely terrific (it required her being under anthesia) but she did wonderful. They cleaned out her intestines (which we are hoping will cure the problem), will will get the biopsy results by next Wednesday-I really think that the impactment was the only problem we are just praying the test confirm that.

Out of the mouth of babes, Hannah calls Grandma & Grandpa after the surgery and says, "The Dr. fixed me, now when I poop it won't even hurt!" Gotta love kids!

1 comment:

The Overstreets said...

I'm glad to know that it went well. As always, TJ and I are here for anything you guys need!