Hannah played on the YMCA basketball league. She was on the GOLD team and had a great season from January-March it was 8 games. She improved each week and you can imagine how adorable the kids were to watch. She was on Nathan's (her friend) team and it was perfect because his younger sister Ella & Joshua could play together too.

My favorite things about Hannah playing basketball:
(1) One week they had a make-up game and Hannah said, "Mom, what will the boys do?" What do you mean Hannah, the boys will come to the game too. "Well you said boys can't wear make-up, so will they wear make-up at the game?"
(2) We were at home practicing and I told her that when she's dribbling just to keep going and the players would move out of her way and she said, "Well I have a good idea mom. I could just say, 'Please move out of my way,' right? That would be the polite thing to do." Not in basketball Hannah, not in basketball!
(3)At the end of the season, Hannah did you like playing basketball? "Oh yes I loved it." What was your favorite part? "The snacks."